Same Rhythm with Multiple Notes
You would use the same approach as the two octaves separated by a comma. For example, a Bb major scale ascending and descending in sixteenth notes would look like this:
Bb c: |/Bb,C,D,Eb,F,G,A,/3 --.25 Bb4 --.25 /A,G,F,Eb,D,C,Bb/3 --.25 |
Or you could simply it:
Bb c: | /Bb3[M}Bb4/ --.25 /Bb4[M}Bb3/ --.25 |
Bb c: | /Bb3[M}Bb4,Bb4[M}Bb3/ --.25 |
The {} between the two octaves represents all of the notes leading up to the last note in a M, or major scale. The [] represents that the notes on both sides are included in the scale, while {} represents that the notes on both sides are not included in the scale.
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